Nerd behaviour of the day: Today at work, I saw a #travelersnotebook on someone’s desk. The desk’s occupant wasn’t there at the time, so I couldn’t nerd out with a (presumed) fellow #stationeryaddict. The next time I walked past they’d gone for the day.
Tag: stationery
The high of winning an auction (a set of two Pilot Myu fountain pens 🖋), then the low at the hole in my wallet… 💸💸💸

I woke up this morning to find this on my doorstep. It’s finally arrived!
This news about the new Tomoe River Paper is giving me heart palpitations
As a stationery snob, I admit to caring a lot (maybe too much) about the pens and papers I use.
So it would come as no surprise that news of Tomoegawa using a new machine for manufacturing their Tomoe River paper is causing me no small amount of concern.
It does not help matters that reviews show that things I love about the TR paper – paper thinness, ink shading, ink haloing and ghosting (I love ghosting!) – are all supposedly worse in the new paper.
I am now wondering to what extent I would go to to get my hands on some of the new stuff so I can test it out for myself.
It might result in me buying a lot of notebooks now in an attempt to stave off the inevitable.
Oh, first world problems…
Pelikan Hub 2018 – Hong Kong 🇭🇰
It was a pretty fun night and met a lot of nice people. I even got invited to their weekly pen meet tomorrow morning.
More pen stuff, yes please!
Hobonichi for 2019 ordered.
This is good to keep in mind for fellow stationery geeks – I know I should.
ooooh, official Chronodex notebook, and on MD paper, AND it will be available during the MD Paper 10th Anniversary event in Hong Kong while I’m on holiday there! Fantastic! 🖋️

I’d actually forgotten that I’d placed an order for this until it arrived at my office this afternoon. I thought I’d managed to be good for once, oops 🖋️💸😛