Bookmarked iOS Shortcut Actions for Micropub posting (
I recently lamented about how few options there are for Micropub posting on iOS now that Indigenous was pulled from the app store. I had a hunch that the Shortcuts app could be a solution since Micropub takes pretty simple cURL requests, and after some testing to figure it out I put together a set o...

Going to try out this shortcuts – to post to WordPress using Shortcuts/Micropub

I don’t like to do it, but it’s necessary; I need to review all my automations in #ShortcutsApp and #DraftsApp and see whether any needs culling/refreshing.

How many of you still have shortcuts from before Shortcuts was a default app on your phone?

For a while, I attempted to track my reading on this website as part of my experiment with Indieweb technology.

I have concluded that it was just too much trouble for too little gain. There are many tools out there that do a better job of this, and not all of them are terrible.

After a little bit of dabbling around, I have landed on LibraryThing as my online catalogue of books. I’ve been using it for a couple of years now but have only recently settled on a consistent logging habit.

LibraryThing might not look as pretty as Goodreads, but it has some pretty nice customisation options. There are a lot of things you can do to organise your books – perfect for the nerds who like to fiddle.

Look, there’s a table view! (The Excel nerd in me celebrates)

And there’s even a dashboard showing a breakdown of your library: by publication date, by genre, rating, author’s gender – it even shows a breakdown by whether the authors are dead or alive.

So the long and short of it is that I will be doing most of my book ratings and cataloguing over on LibraryThing now, and you can find my library here.

I have wanted to get an Owlab Spring keyboard for a while now.

Now I just have to find the perfect keycaps and switches to match it.

Currently, I’m using NPKC gradient PBT Doubleshot side-lit keycaps from and TTC Bluish White switches. I don’t mind the switches on this board, but I don’t actually have enough of them, so I’m also using the Tecsee Ice Candy in the number row.

COVID-19 ⚛️

  • I finally caught COVID a couple of weeks back. It completely laid me out for two weeks. Even light exercise gets me gasping for air now. Let’s hope I get over it soon.
  • On the other hand, I managed to get through ten audiobooks during that time…

Games 🎲

  • Andrew and I are engrossed in Ensemble Stars Music. If you’re into beat/rhythm games I highly recommend this one.
  • Good Sudoku+ is still my go to when I want to spend a few minutes crunching numbers. This one is on Apple Arcade so it doesn’t have any annoying ads.
  • Recently bought the board game/card game/deck builder Hardback. It’s as if Scrabble and Ascension got together and made a baby. Andrew and I liked it so much we’re playing it on iOS too
  • I’m still loving Starforged and would highly recommend it to anyone who likes TTRPG.

What I am watching 📺

  • Ah, so many K-drama and C-drama… some of them of dubious quality…
  • For something different, I would suggest watching John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid. Stand-up comedy on Netflix is pretty good.

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers.