Nerd behaviour of the day: Today at work, I saw a #travelersnotebook on someone’s desk. The desk’s occupant wasn’t there at the time, so I couldn’t nerd out with a (presumed) fellow #stationeryaddict. The next time I walked past they’d gone for the day.

My current keyboard setup:

Bookmarked iOS Shortcut Actions for Micropub posting (
I recently lamented about how few options there are for Micropub posting on iOS now that Indigenous was pulled from the app store. I had a hunch that the Shortcuts app could be a solution since Micropub takes pretty simple cURL requests, and after some testing to figure it out I put together a set o...

Going to try out this shortcuts – to post to WordPress using Shortcuts/Micropub

I don’t like to do it, but it’s necessary; I need to review all my automations in #ShortcutsApp and #DraftsApp and see whether any needs culling/refreshing.

How many of you still have shortcuts from before Shortcuts was a default app on your phone?