For most of the movie, I kept thinking, “This would have been better as a TV series.”
I felt like the relationship between the two leads would have benefitted from more screen time. Also, the scope of the story could have been much larger and deeper.
As it is, I felt like the story was too rushed and the resolution a little too simple. 

Now, I went into this movie knowing nothing about the background of the story. I didn’t know this was originally a manga series. 
Therefore, my opinion above is as a person who is coming to the movie new, and not as an existing fan of the IP. I also could not comment on whether the movie accurately represented the original material.

Via Letterboxd – vishae

A funny movie that depicts the slog of office life in a humorous way.
Who hasn’t felt the work week seems to go on forever?
This is like Groundhog Day, except the loop lasts for a week, and more and more of the office workers are noticing the repeat.
It’s not all just silly antics though; at its core there’s a tender message.
This is well worth a watch.

Via Letterboxd – vishae

A couple of days ago I received my limited edition #QK75 Nice Dream #keyboard.
I wasn’t a fan of the yellow in the Nice Dream #keycap, so I swapped to the #EPBT Dreamscape #keycaps instead; so pretty.

What I really love about this keyboard is the glossy pink chamfers (last picture). Those edges are just chef’s kiss

If you have extra #franklinchristoph cases lying around they work great as #dice cases. They just fit one set of 7 polyhedral dice with a little bit of wiggle room. The felt lining doesn’t hurt.

#fountainpengeek #ttrpg #dnd #pathfinder