I’ve been reusing #Hipstamatic over the holiday break and noticed I’ve managed a #PhotoADay for the whole of January so far. So let’s try #Project365… #Peale #StandardFlash

Image shows a potted plant with long, narrow leaves on a glass shelf inside a room, with a glass window in the background and a pair of shoes on the floor to the right. The plant is known as a spider plant.

Whew, finally hit 45K words. It was real touch-and-go there with my dismal daily word count mid-week, but I rallied and pulled through.

Although if you look at my daily word count history, you can see I’m not a very consistent writer to begin with; over 3K one day, then only a few hundred a couple days later.

#nanowrimo #nanowrimo2023 #nano2023

Twelve days in and I’m a little over 23K words. My daily word count over the last few days has not been impressive and I’ve been eating away at the margin I’ve given myself earlier on in the month.

I definitely need to get back in the groove.

#nanowrimo #nanowrimo2023 #nano2023