
I’m so completely new to Twitch (as a viewer), but watching all these PAXonline videos has led me to some interesting Twitch streamers. Lara6683 is a Sydney musician who plays old-school video game music on the piano.
It’s great to listen to this while working.

After struggling with 4GB RAM on my Synology DS918+ for the longest time, I finally updated it to 16GB. I know, it says the max it supports is 8GB, but others had been running 16GB with no problems. So fingers-crossed šŸ¤žšŸ» and if anything happens, I’ll update accordingly.

I apologise to everyone on who got spammed by my gaming posts recently; I completely forgot I’d added that feed to my MB account.šŸ˜“šŸ™‡šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

COVID-19 āš›ļø

  • Since Melbourne has entered Stage 4 quarantine, I am at home every day šŸ”; I have discovered that I am perfectly happy squirrelled away like this. šŸæļø
  • This has led me to do a lot of the following…

Website šŸŒ

  • Finally changed the name and tagline of my site – the previous one was always supposed to be temporary
  • I got a logo designed for the website (I discovered Fiverr via YouTuber/Muralist, Ten Hundred). If you're willing to shell out for a domain and a server, a logo isn't that much of a stretch.
  • Changed my theme to GuCherry Blog; it's not an officially IndieWeb-supported theme, but it seems to work fine.
  • Considering how long this Now entry is, I'm setting a reminder to update this monthly, so I don't have such a huge backlog.

Podcast šŸŽ™ļø

  • "Trigger Point FM" is on hiatus for much longer than expected as my co-host absolutely refuses to record remotely

I am playing a lot more games šŸŽ²:

  • The original Vampire: The Masquerade game I was playing moved from face-to-face to being played via video chat, to not being played at all. Instead, I've replaced that with a play-by-post VtM game hosted on the Seattle by Night Discord Server. Instead of writing up session summaries, I am now sharing my posts from the Discord game.
  • Pathfinder is still happening once a week – we are now facing a world-ending event that requires us to do some tomb-diving, and my character spends 1/3 of the time as Chaotic Evil, and no one notices…
  • I spent two weeks playing No Man's Sky again, but that resulted in some serious sleep deprivation, so I decided to shelve that for now.
  • I am playing Thousand Year Old Vampire – too early to share my thoughts on this…
  • I've rediscovered Nile Online, a browser-based worker/resource management game. I forget how much I enjoy these games – especially when there's no warfare involved – This led to me discovering GreaseMonkey/Tampermonkey

Analogue stuff āœļø

iOS šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ’»

  • I've created a Shortcut that keeps track of the web-series I'm reading (webcomics, web novels etc.), and which chapter I'm up to – I just need to write it up

I am watching šŸ“ŗ

  • All fourteen seasons of Supernatural – currently onto season 12
  • Recently finished:
    • Suits
    • Nashville
    • Nirvana in Fire (again)
    • Mystic Pop-Up Bar
    • Lucifer – Season 5

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers.

Bookmarked Journal Writing Workshop - Diving For Pearls by Ingrid Jane Jones (

I did this class on Monday (or at least the Laneway Learning version of it – it’s hosted by the same teacher, just a shorter session) and I have to say, if you ever have trouble working through stress, or want to work on your journaling skills, this class was pretty helpful.

Her online journaling community – where a group of people get together twice a week to journal – is a good way to keep you accountable.


Someone sent me a link to this solo RPG, “Thousand Year Old Vampire” and it looks interesting. Currently, it’s on sale for $9USD. Below are reviews that rave about this game.

One Thousand Years of Solitude – Space Biff

Review video:

Here’s a play-through video:

I am thinking of recording the game journal either here or in my Vampire the Masquerade site (where I’m recording my game sessions for two VtM games I’m playing). We’ll see how I feel when I start playing the game.

Does anyone remember Jubeat?
At one time I was tempted to buy the arcade machine when our local arcades with the machine closed down.

Last night, Andrew found out you can get the game on iOS through the Japan App Store.

Iā€™m so rusty on this game.

New rabbit hole, here I go.