Replied to Browser Bookmarklets... by Chris Aldrich - (

Don’t know if you’re experiencing the same thing, but recently, the bookmarklets have stopped working. I click on it, a pop-up window would show up (as expected), but it would ask me to log in and then won’t proceed further.


I’m so completely new to Twitch (as a viewer), but watching all these PAXonline videos has led me to some interesting Twitch streamers. Lara6683 is a Sydney musician who plays old-school video game music on the piano.
It’s great to listen to this while working.

After struggling with 4GB RAM on my Synology DS918+ for the longest time, I finally updated it to 16GB. I know, it says the max it supports is 8GB, but others had been running 16GB with no problems. So fingers-crossed 🤞🏻 and if anything happens, I’ll update accordingly.

I apologise to everyone on who got spammed by my gaming posts recently; I completely forgot I’d added that feed to my MB account.😓🙇🏻‍♀️

COVID-19 ⚛️

  • Since Melbourne has entered Stage 4 quarantine, I am at home every day 🏡; I have discovered that I am perfectly happy squirrelled away like this. 🐿️
  • This has led me to do a lot of the following…

Website 🌐

  • Finally changed the name and tagline of my site – the previous one was always supposed to be temporary
  • I got a logo designed for the website (I discovered Fiverr via YouTuber/Muralist, Ten Hundred). If you're willing to shell out for a domain and a server, a logo isn't that much of a stretch.
  • Changed my theme to GuCherry Blog; it's not an officially IndieWeb-supported theme, but it seems to work fine.
  • Considering how long this Now entry is, I'm setting a reminder to update this monthly, so I don't have such a huge backlog.

Podcast 🎙️

  • "Trigger Point FM" is on hiatus for much longer than expected as my co-host absolutely refuses to record remotely

I am playing a lot more games 🎲:

  • The original Vampire: The Masquerade game I was playing moved from face-to-face to being played via video chat, to not being played at all. Instead, I've replaced that with a play-by-post VtM game hosted on the Seattle by Night Discord Server. Instead of writing up session summaries, I am now sharing my posts from the Discord game.
  • Pathfinder is still happening once a week – we are now facing a world-ending event that requires us to do some tomb-diving, and my character spends 1/3 of the time as Chaotic Evil, and no one notices…
  • I spent two weeks playing No Man's Sky again, but that resulted in some serious sleep deprivation, so I decided to shelve that for now.
  • I am playing Thousand Year Old Vampire – too early to share my thoughts on this…
  • I've rediscovered Nile Online, a browser-based worker/resource management game. I forget how much I enjoy these games – especially when there's no warfare involved – This led to me discovering GreaseMonkey/Tampermonkey

Analogue stuff ✍️

iOS 👩🏻‍💻

  • I've created a Shortcut that keeps track of the web-series I'm reading (webcomics, web novels etc.), and which chapter I'm up to – I just need to write it up

I am watching 📺

  • All fourteen seasons of Supernatural – currently onto season 12
  • Recently finished:
    • Suits
    • Nashville
    • Nirvana in Fire (again)
    • Mystic Pop-Up Bar
    • Lucifer – Season 5

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers.

Bookmarked Journal Writing Workshop - Diving For Pearls by Ingrid Jane Jones (

I did this class on Monday (or at least the Laneway Learning version of it – it’s hosted by the same teacher, just a shorter session) and I have to say, if you ever have trouble working through stress, or want to work on your journaling skills, this class was pretty helpful.

Her online journaling community – where a group of people get together twice a week to journal – is a good way to keep you accountable.