Yikes, what a mess. It started out “okay” but it went downhill fast.
I actually nodded off during the “bad guy monologue.”
I was at a birthday party a couple of weeks ago where there was this amazing balloon artist. Even though it was originally meant for the kids, the adults were soon lining up for their own balloon.
Just realised none of the @ mentions from micro.blog has been showing up on my WordPress since September and I don’t remember how I set it up to work in the first place…
Going to die in this heat… ☀️🔥🥵
Nanowrimo 2021 – Completed
That was close. The extra words I wrote at the start of the month really saved my ass this year.
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window, 2021 – ★½
Liar x Liar, 2021 – ★★½
Nanowrimo 2021 – Week 3
Definitely been hit with the third-week slump, but I’m pushing through.