Just received my digital copy of Colostle – a solo RPG where you adventure through an immense castle where the rooms can house an entire mountain range, forest or even an ocean.

I’ve played three sessions so far (not including session 0), and my session write-ups are here.

I really liked the idea of using stencils to quickly create my bujo layouts, however most of the stencils out there are designed for 5mm grids and my hobonichi uses 3.7mm.

So I finally decided to design my own and cut them out using the Silhouette. ๐Ÿ–‹๐Ÿ“

#hobonichi #bujo #bulletjournal

Just because I like my digital stuff doesnโ€™t mean I donโ€™t enjoy my analogue tools every now and then.

Recently saw this time ladder layout on IG and was inspired to try it out. ๐Ÿ“

Nanowrimo Day 30.

Wow, November kind of just flew by.
It’s been a great experience this year, so I’m going to try to keep some kind of writing habit going.
Let’s see how this all works out.

#nanowrimo #nanowrimo2020 #4thewords