Read - Finished Reading: Binti by Nnedi Okorafor

I enjoyed the world in this book, I’m just not sure how I feel about a protagonist who ends up befriending a being who, just mere days ago, killed all her friends and classmates…📚

I think it’s pretty telling of the current state of affairs, when I feel dread at seeing an email from Readdle in my inbox.

I admit to not reading the subject line – I’d skipped ahead to the first line in the email:

Thank you for downloading Spark. Our team has worked really hard for the past four years to create the best email experience for you and your team across all Apple devices.

My first thought was, “Oh no, has Readdle been acquired? Is Spark being sunsetted? Do I have to find another email app?”

Luckily, they have not been acquired and I still have use of my email app. But this got me thinking.

Never before in all my years of using computers have I more felt the need of keeping my information portable. Whether it’s with my notes, emails, blog posts, anything, I’m now obsessed with knowing all the import/export options available in a piece of software before I trust it with my information. Because who knows when they would get bought up, or closed down, or change their business model in a way I don’t agree with?

I have to mentally steel myself with the knowledge that no matter what workflow I create now to work with my myriad of preferred apps and online services, one day – in the not too distant future – I would have to retweak the entire thing again.

I know this is not a new thing, and sometimes it’s not a bad thing either, I guess it just caught me off-guard today.

Replied to Fiona’s post by fiona fiona (

@fiona The things you learn. Now I have names for two activities I do often.😁

Although I don’t know whether they should call page parking a millennial thing (that seems to put a negative spin to it); it just a very efficient way of looking for information.
I can think of the number of times I keep a google search result page open and cmd+click links to open them in seperate tabs; because you never know whether the site has the information you want, and why reload the google search result?

Also, you commented that you use Pocket to page park while browsing your social feed. That led me to thinking (and I’m sure others would have thought of this before, but it only just occurred to me)…

Maybe if people got into the habit of marking/saving social media posts they are interested in responding to, but held off commenting or interacting with it until after they’ve gone through their social feed, maybe FB and Twitter would have more thoughtful conversations.

Perhaps social media should also be separated into two separate activities – you first read through your feed, collecting all the posts you find interesting or thought provoking, then after that’s done, you switch your mind to actually deciding whether a response is necessary and if yes, to actually composing a response.

In fact I think I might start doing that with m.b. (A tool to triage mb posts @hartlco?)