More photos from the same eSports bar

Of course they have streaming booths… 😓
Oh, and it wasn’t obvious in the prev post but they have booths in the tavern for you to play console games with friends.

New eSports bar, Fortress, opened in Melbourne last week.
They just opened last Friday and now they’ll be closed for the next month or so b/c of the Coronavirus. Let’s hope they don’t fold before they even had a chance to truly open.

Following on the heels of my previous post, I’ll also be joining this year’s Camp Nano.
With everyone staying at home for the next few weeks – and maybe longer – this may be a good time to get some writing done.

I keep forgetting to mention that I’m starting a novelisation of a Vampire: The Masquerade 5th edition game I’m playing.

You can find it here:
There’s currently an intro and two sessions – it takes more effort than I would have thought to novelise a game.

I plan to link the RSS feed to my account, so if you read my blog primarily through MB, then you’ll see it there too.

Random question: clasp your hands together, fingers entwined, like how some people pray before going to bed…

(Do it before reading the actual question, I don’t want this to influence your actions)

Which thumb is on top (ie. closer to you)? Left or right?

Because I’m bad at posting in a timely manner…

PAX AU 2019 – which was over a month ago.

I tried their mystery mini challenge; paint a random mini with three random colours. I drew a dwarf mini, with a lime green, pastel blue and caramel brown paint. Anything I mixed turned into a khaki green, so I went all in and made my dwarf a Mardi-Gras-going-dwarf instead. Needless to say, I didn’t win.

I’m also a sucker for mystery bags, so I brought three sets of mystery dice from @random.encounter.dice. The results (from left to right): Sea Hag, Ironfist, and Rizen. Not my usual preferred colours, but that’s what’s cool about mystery bags, getting something unexpected.