I apologise to everyone on micro.blog who got spammed by my gaming posts recently; I completely forgot I’d added that feed to my MB account.😓🙇🏻‍♀️

Bookmarked Journal Writing Workshop - Diving For Pearls by Ingrid Jane Jones (ingridjanejones.com)

I did this class on Monday (or at least the Laneway Learning version of it – it’s hosted by the same teacher, just a shorter session) and I have to say, if you ever have trouble working through stress, or want to work on your journaling skills, this class was pretty helpful.

Her online journaling community – where a group of people get together twice a week to journal – is a good way to keep you accountable.


Someone sent me a link to this solo RPG, “Thousand Year Old Vampire” and it looks interesting. Currently, it’s on sale for $9USD. Below are reviews that rave about this game.

One Thousand Years of Solitude – Space Biff

Review video:

Here’s a play-through video:

I am thinking of recording the game journal either here or in my Vampire the Masquerade site (where I’m recording my game sessions for two VtM games I’m playing). We’ll see how I feel when I start playing the game.

Does anyone remember Jubeat?
At one time I was tempted to buy the arcade machine when our local arcades with the machine closed down.

Last night, Andrew found out you can get the game on iOS through the Japan App Store.

I’m so rusty on this game.

New rabbit hole, here I go.

I’ve been reading a lot of fans-translated Chinese webnovels recently.
Think “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” but in book form.
Some of the translation can be hit or miss, but the footnotes can be quite enlightening on ancient Chinese culture/customs.