As a stationery snob, I admit to caring a lot (maybe too much) about the pens and papers I use.
So it would come as no surprise that news of Tomoegawa using a new machine for manufacturing their Tomoe River paper is causing me no small amount of concern.

It does not help matters that reviews show that things I love about the TR paper – paper thinness, ink shading, ink haloing and ghosting (I love ghosting!) – are all supposedly worse in the new paper.

I am now wondering to what extent I would go to to get my hands on some of the new stuff so I can test it out for myself.

It might result in me buying a lot of notebooks now in an attempt to stave off the inevitable.

Oh, first world problems…

I’ve been seeing people posting up their 2021 Hobonichi covers, so I thought I’d join in the fun.
I didn’t think I’d buy another one, since the one-page-a-day layout wasn’t really working out for me, but then they came out with the A5 notebook and the day-free hobo…
It’s testing my self-control to not start using them right now.

Replied to Browser Bookmarklets... by Chris Aldrich - (

Don’t know if you’re experiencing the same thing, but recently, the bookmarklets have stopped working. I click on it, a pop-up window would show up (as expected), but it would ask me to log in and then won’t proceed further.


I’m so completely new to Twitch (as a viewer), but watching all these PAXonline videos has led me to some interesting Twitch streamers. Lara6683 is a Sydney musician who plays old-school video game music on the piano.
It’s great to listen to this while working.

After struggling with 4GB RAM on my Synology DS918+ for the longest time, I finally updated it to 16GB. I know, it says the max it supports is 8GB, but others had been running 16GB with no problems. So fingers-crossed 🤞🏻 and if anything happens, I’ll update accordingly.