The high of winning an auction (a set of two Pilot Myu fountain pens 🖋), then the low at the hole in my wallet… 💸💸💸
Category: Microblog
Okay~ just woke up to my whole house shaking… My first #earthquake. I didn’t know Melbourne did those…
Because I couldn’t find a digital Mythic GM Emulator that I liked, I decided to create my own using the iOS Shortcuts and Data Jar app.

Whilst watching the latest episode of #TedLasso I decided to look for the “Roy is sorry for not understanding Keeley” playlist, and guess what? It exists.
If you’re Apple, why wouldn’t actually create the playlist?
I found it cute.
Day 12 of #TheShapeOfShadows:
Oooh, the plot thickens.
Day 5 and 6 of #TheShapeOfShadows:
Things I learned:
- that as much as I love journal pages filled with sketches and doodles, I am not good at sketching or doodling
- the Northern Pacific sea star, the Japanese kelp, the European fan worm, and the European green shore crabs are all noxious species (non-native to Victoria and are considered a pest)
Day 3 of #TheShapeOfShadows:
- Spent much longer than I should have to try to learn the French Drop
- I spent equally long trying to do a coin roll on my knuckles
Day 2 of #TheShapeOfShadows:
Things I learned:
- I have no idea how to draw owls
- That owls regurgitated the indigestible parts of their prey (teeth, bones, etc.) in the form of a pellet 🤮
- What a Eurasian Eagle Owl sounds like