::silent screaming:: It’s arrived!!

It may be empty now, but I’m stuffing it full of notebooks and pens as we speak!

Fellow journalers/planners, do you use digital or analogue tools? If you use both, how and when do you use which?
I’m trying to justify when to use my fountain pens and when to use Day One.

As a stationery snob, I admit to caring a lot (maybe too much) about the pens and papers I use.
So it would come as no surprise that news of Tomoegawa using a new machine for manufacturing their Tomoe River paper is causing me no small amount of concern.

It does not help matters that reviews show that things I love about the TR paper – paper thinness, ink shading, ink haloing and ghosting (I love ghosting!) – are all supposedly worse in the new paper.

I am now wondering to what extent I would go to to get my hands on some of the new stuff so I can test it out for myself.

It might result in me buying a lot of notebooks now in an attempt to stave off the inevitable.

Oh, first world problems…

I’ve been seeing people posting up their 2021 Hobonichi covers, so I thought I’d join in the fun.
I didn’t think I’d buy another one, since the one-page-a-day layout wasn’t really working out for me, but then they came out with the A5 notebook and the day-free hobo…
It’s testing my self-control to not start using them right now.

Replied to Browser Bookmarklets... by Chris Aldrich - (boffosocko.com)

Don’t know if you’re experiencing the same thing, but recently, the bookmarklets have stopped working. I click on it, a pop-up window would show up (as expected), but it would ask me to log in and then won’t proceed further.