Cake at work.
Name of cake: Marz Bar

I think I remember seeing someone talking about an alternative to GoodReads that supports Micropub (I think?) and is not Indiebookclub.
I don’t remember the name of the website. Does anyone know of an alternative to GoodReads?
Indiebookclub is nice, but I would prefer one where I can search for book details (as opposed to manually inputting everything).
Watched on Sunday March 28, 2021.
Yes, I’ve been on an anime binge lately
This page is inspired by Derek Sivers.
I was trying out Git versioning for Obsidian and accidentally deleted my entire vault.
Thank god for Time Machine Backups.
A 5-day level 4 lockdown starting 11:59pm tonight. There goes my Valentines and Chinese New Year plans.
(Level 4 lockdown: No leaving the house unless it’s essential and even then no travel further than 5km)
Was at a 24-hour arcade the other night and won two skill tester plushies.